您的位置:首页>>生化试剂>>生物染料/指示剂/色素>>Cy5 N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺酯(用于差向凝胶电泳)Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye
Cat. Number
Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye
Chemical Name
Cy5 N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺酯(用于差向凝胶电泳)Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye
minimal dye
Qty 1
Qty 2
dark blue solid
Application Notes
NMR 1H (95%) and 13C, TLC, functional testing
Storage condition

Cyanine5 minimal dye for protein labeling, an analog of Cy5® minimal dye.在过去的几年里,CY5荧光团已经成为生命科学研究和诊断领域非常流行的分子标记物。这些荧光素的最强发射光为红光,在这个范围大多数CCD检测器具有最大检测灵敏度,而且是生物物质低背景区。染料的颜色是非常强烈的,因此在凝胶电泳中低至1nmol的量都能被肉眼观测到。CY5 NHS ester是用于标记多肽、蛋白和寡核苷酸的氨基基团的活性染料。在标记反应中该染料需要少量的有机共溶剂(如DMF,DMSO)(请参照我们的推荐手册以获得更多帮助信息)。对于可溶性蛋白、各种各样的多肽和寡核苷酸而言,这种染料是非常理想而且成本低廉的。该染料在有机溶剂对小分子物质的标记也是非常有效的。对于更多的精细目标物,如易降解蛋白,如果DMF或DMSO会对其有影响,可以考虑water-soluble Cy5 NHS ester(水溶性Cy5 NHS ester染料),因为它们不需要有机溶剂助溶,而且具有和荧光染料类似的性质。

CY5荧光团可以与很多的仪器如荧光显微镜、成像仪、扫描仪、荧光分析仪等相兼容。许多的CY5衍生物——CY5 NHS ester可以替代Alexa Fluor 647和 DyLight 649等活化酯(activated esters)。

This reagent is specially quantified for the use in 2D proteomics. Each package contains specified amount of NHS ester with quantity variation within 10%.

Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye

Spectral properties

Excitation maximum, nm: 645
Emission maximum, nm: 660

Product citations
1、Sikorskaite-Gudziuniene, S.; Haimi, P.; Gelvonauskiene, D.; Stanys, V. Nuclear proteome analysis of apple cultivar ‘Antonovka’ accessions in response to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). European Journal of Plant Pathology, in press. doi: 10.1007/s10658-016-1131-3
2、Nemethova, M.; Talian, I.; Danielisova, V.; Tkacikova, S.; Bonova, P.; Bober, P.; Matiasova, M.; Sabo, J.; Burda, J. Delayed bradykinin postconditioning modulates intrinsic neuroprotective enzyme expression in the rat CA1 region after cerebral ischemia: a proteomic study. Metabolic Brain Disease, 2016, 31(6), 1391–1403. doi: 10.1007/s11011-016-9859-1
3、Boone, C.; Grove, R.; Adamcova, D.; Braga, C.; Adamec, J. Revealing oxidative damage to enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in yeast: An integration of 2D DIGE, quantitative proteomics and bioinformatics.Proteomics, 2016, 16(13), 1889–1903. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201500546
4、Bertrand, A.; Bipfubusa, M.; Castonguay, Y.; Rocher, S.; Szopinska-Morawska, A.; Papadopoulos, Y.; Renaut, J. A proteome analysis of freezing tolerance in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 16, 65. doi: 10.1186/s12870-016-0751-2

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