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Cat. Number
SYBR Green I染料,用于实时PCR dsGreen for Real-Time PCR, 100×
Chemical Name
SYBR Green I染料,用于实时PCR dsGreen for Real-Time PCR, 100×
Qty 1
light orange solution
Storage condition

dsGreen, an analog of SYBR® Green I, is a very sensitive dsDNA detection dye. High sensitivity, and high selectivity for dsDNA allow to use dsGreen as a universal dsDNA detection reagent for qPCR. No need to use labeled probes to detect amplification with dsGreen – unlabeled primers are sufficient.

Unlike other preparations of dsGreen provided by Lumiprobe for gel staining purposes, this formulation is specially designed to be used in real-time PCR experiments. Specific features are:

  • Concentration of the dye is optimized for qPCR and carefully adjusted for reproducible results from lot to lot.

  • PCR tested preparation – quality guaranteed

  • Low fluorescence background – high fluorescence intensity gain

Recommended protocol

Realtime qPCR with dsGreen or SYBR Green I

Note: fluorescent properties of dsGreen bound to dsDNA below are taken from the following publication: Zipper, H.; Brunner, H.; Bernhagen, J.; Vitzthum, F. Investigations on DNA intercalation and surface binding by SYBR Green I, its structure determination and methodological implications. Nucleic Acids Res., 2004, 32, e103

Spectral properties

Excitation maximum, nm: 454
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 73000
Emission maximum, nm: 524
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0,8

Product citations

  1. Wu, Z.-G.; Jiang, W.; Chen, S.-L.; Mantri, N.; Tao, Z.-M.; Jiang, C.-X. Insights from the Cold Transcriptome and Metabolome of Dendrobium officinale: Global Reprogramming of Metabolic and Gene Regulation Networks during Cold Acclimation. Frontiers in Plant Science2016, 7, 1653. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01653

  2. Brauer, V.S.; Stomp, M.; Bouvier, T.; Fouilland, E.; Leboulanger, C.; Confurius-Guns, V.; Weissing, F.J.; Stal, L.J.; Huisman, J. Competition and facilitation between the marine nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteriumCyanothece and its associated bacterial community. Frontiers in Microbiology2015, 5, 795. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2014.00795

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