您的位置:首页>>Cayman>>Antioxidants>>(+)-Catechin (hydrate)
Cat. Number
Chemical Name
(+)-Catechin (hydrate)
  • D-(+)-Catechin (hydrate)
  • Cyanidol (hydrate)
  • Catechuic Acid (hydrate)
Formal Name 2R-​(3,​4-​dihydroxyphenyl)-​3,​4-​dihydro-​2H-​1-​benzopyran-​3S,​5,​7-​triol,​ hydrate
CAS Number 225937-10-0
Molecular Formula C15H14O6 · XH2O
Formula Weight 290.3
Formulation A crystalline solid
Purity >98%
λmax 230, 280 nm
Stability 2 years
Storage 4°C
Shipping Wet ice in continental US; may vary elsewhere
SMILES Oc1cc2OC(c3ccc(O)​c(O)​c3)​[C@@H]​(O)​Cc2c(O)​c1

Background Reading

Frémont, L., Belguendouz, L., and Delpal, S. Antioxidant activity of resveratrol and alcohol-free wine polyphenols related to LDL oxidation and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Life Sci 64 2511-2521 (1999).

Zhao, J., Wang, J., Chen, Y., et al. Anti-tumor-promoting activity of a polyphenolic fraction isolated from grape seeds in the mouse skin two-stage initiation-promotion protocol and identification of procyanidin B5-3'-gallate as the most effective antioxidant constituent. Carcinogenesis 20 1737-1745 (1999).

Noreen, Y., Serrano, G., and Perera, P. Flavan-3-ols isolated from some medicinal plants inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 catalyzed prostaglandin biosynthesis. Planta Med 64 520-524 (1998).

Size Global Purchasing
1 g  
5 g  
10 g  
25 g  


Catechin is a polyphenolic flavonoid which has been isolated from a variety of natural sources including tea leaves, grape seeds, and the wood and bark of trees such as acacia and mahogany. Catechin is a more potent antioxidant than ascorbate or α-tocopherol in certain in vitro assays of lipid peroxidation.1 Catechin inhibits the free radical-induced oxidation of isolated LDL by AAPH.2 It has also been reported to act as an inhibitor of COX-1 with an IC50 of about 80 µM.3 Catechin and other related procyanidin compounds have antitumor activity when tested in a two-stage mouse epidermal carcinoma model employing topical application.1

1 Zhao, J., Wang, J., Chen, Y., et al. Anti-tumor-promoting activity of a polyphenolic fraction isolated from grape seeds in the mouse skin two-stage initiation-promotion protocol and identification of procyanidin B5-3'-gallate as the most effective antioxidant constituent. Carcinogenesis 20 1737-1745 (1999).

2 Frémont, L., Belguendouz, L., and Delpal, S. Antioxidant activity of resveratrol and alcohol-free wine polyphenols related to LDL oxidation and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Life Sci 64 2511-2521 (1999).

3 Noreen, Y., Serrano, G., and Perera, P. Flavan-3-ols isolated from some medicinal plants inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 catalyzed prostaglandin biosynthesis. Planta Med 64 520-524 (1998).

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