Cat. Number
Chemical Name
Formal Name N-​3,​4-​tridhydroxy-​benzamide
CAS Number 69839-83-4
Molecular Formula C7H7NO4
Formula Weight 169.1
Formulation A crystalline solid
Purity >98%
λmax 209, 257, 291 nm
Stability 2 years
Storage -20°C
Shipping Wet ice in continental US; may vary elsewhere
SMILES ONC(=O)​c1ccc(O)​c(O)​c1

Background Reading

Turchan, J., Pocernich, C.B., Gairola, C., et al. Oxidative stress in HIV demented patients and protection ex vivo with novel antioxidants. Neurology 60 307-314 (2003).

Inayat, M.S., Chendil, D., Mohiuddin, M., et al. Didox (A novel ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor) Overcomes bcl-2 mediated radiation resistance in prostate cancer cell line PC-3. Cancer Biol Ther 1(5) 539-545 (2002).

Size Global Purchasing
1 mg  
5 mg  
10 mg  
50 mg  


Polyhydroxylated aromatic compounds, both natural and synthetic, are important biological antioxidants. Didox is a simple, synthetic antioxidant that has been found to reduce the levels of oxidative injury markers in the brains of HIV patients with dementia.1 It also increases the radiosensitivity of cancer cells by inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase, resulting in a reduction of bcl-2 mediated resistance to apoptosis.2

1 Turchan, J., Pocernich, C.B., Gairola, C., et al. Oxidative stress in HIV demented patients and protection ex vivo with novel antioxidants. Neurology 60 307-314 (2003).

2 Inayat, M.S., Chendil, D., Mohiuddin, M., et al. Didox (A novel ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor) Overcomes bcl-2 mediated radiation resistance in prostate cancer cell line PC-3. Cancer Biol Ther 1(5) 539-545 (2002).

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